This Session presents examples of the main Projects and Activities that I have carried out during the last 36 years. You have the opportunity to download some of these examples from the pdf list downunder. I will be adding more examples. Feel free to contact me on any subject.
The reports / presentations provide also a general overview on Territorial Sustainable Development, the main strategies for generating territorial references & monitoring. Innovation has always been present in my professional activities, from Geocadaster / GIS systems to GPS, Sensor Systems as CCDs, Thermal Infrared, Lidars, Radars, in airborne systems up to High Resolution Satellites. It really seems that human beings have curiosity to accept innovation, but have a hard time in letting go what is known and is routinely implemented.
In my conviction the concepts expressed in these examples of real life are of vital importance and they express what I have experienced and concluded in many opportunities throughout my life. The lack of Territorial References & Monitoring in Territorial Dynamics is the origin of most of the doubts, ucertainties, failures and mistakes in business and management decision making, from the Agribusiness Chain to Urban Planning, especially in Metropolitan Areas. And the financial & economic consequences are disastrous.
Please notice and understand that some of the Projects and Activities are in different languages and were developed under Confidentiality Agreements, some of them still in place up to today.
Also important and interesting to register that I had a suggestion from a Head Hunter to also describe in the CVs not only were we work, but what has made the difference, what are the R E S U L T S we harvest. And what are the Projects that went WRONG. In the universe of 38 larger Projects I had the opportunity to manage, 3 went completetly wrong. There were basically two reasons for this to happen: first, on one private Project a misunderstanding with the client that was expecting unreal results based on false assumptions. Even high resolution satellite imagery cannot count crop leaves!!!! And there was no reason for even this to happen, even if possible. So I had to legally cancel the project. Second, a more sensitive issue related to diversion of financial resources in two other governmental projects. Based on my written complaints and of my team, I trusted that the Public Ministry (were I was already working over more than a decade) would interfere and take action, but unfortunately nothing happened and I had to cancel activities and had a large prejudice. We really learn from these situations. Trusting until proven contrary is in fact the unique way to build confidence, but when going wrong we pay a high price!
As Mr. Aswath Damodaran, Professor of Finance at Stern School of Business at New York University ( www.stern.nyu.edu) says, in my opinion the most skilled person for Project Valuation...every Project has numbers, and numbers are important; but most important is THE STORY behind the numbers!!
Here You will be presented to many numbers in the different works that I had the opportunity to participate in my life until now; but be sure that the real joy for me, the experience, relies in the STORIES, and especially people I had the blessing to come across, partner up, or learn from, etc. many of them now real friends from all over. I always have the belief that a stranger is a friend you have not met yet! And those persons you think that are causing you harm or prejudice, are in fact the "guardians of your destiny", of your values and beliefs, as Mr. Anthony (Tony) Robins teaches. And he is absolutely right. And we must not complain on what we allow ourselves. Enjoy and feel free to contact me if you wish.
During the last 36 years of professional activities I had the opportunity & blessing of contributing significantly and generating benefits to the clients in different applications & environments.
As stated by Lord Kelvin: “When you can measure what you are speaking about, and express it in numbers, you know something about it; when you cannot express it in numbers, your knowledge is of a meager and unsatisfactory kind; it may be the beginning of knowledge, but you have scarely, in your thoughts advanced to the stage of science.”
Regarding my personal Summary Metric of Geographic Area as Responsible Expert, Technical Manager, in Land Use Mapping and Cartography Generation with different technologies and at scales from 1:250.000 to 1:500:
Deforestation: Brazilian Amazon (5,000,000 km2): Six consecutive Assessments of the Deforestation (Gross Deforestation & Rate) at the Institute for Space Research (INPE, Brazil) for the Brazilian Government totalizing 30,000,000 km2;
Agriculture, Environment, Hydrology: 3,800,000 km2;
Urban Areas: 11,000 km2;
Highways and Infrastructure: 6,500 km.
Agronomist by UFLA - University of Lavras (Ex Escola Superior de Agricultura de Lavras) - MG - Brazil.
Career at the Institute for Space Research (INPE) - Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation - Brazil.
Guest Scientist at the Institute for Radiofrequency Technology of the German Aerospace (DLR).
Multitemporal Deforestation Assessment of the Amazon over 5M km2 for the Brazilian Government - The new reliable GIS Territorial Reference.
Avoiding Fraud in Bank of Brazil Agribusiness Credit Operations in an over 100 million US dollars multicrop harvest scenario through Remote Sensing Techniques.
Helping the State Attorney of São Paulo in the Area of Cubatão - one of the most polluted areas of the planet - Designated Technical Expert in Environment Remote Sensing.
Voluntary work for the Federal Attorney of Brasil in Environmental Remote Sensing - Expert Environment.
Managing Extensive Mapping Projects as Manager of FUNCATE - Foundation for Space Science, Technology and Applications.
Coffee Plantation Assessment in Brazil for Louis Dreyfus Commodities - COINBRA SA.
Operational Open Skies IRIS Synthetic Aperture Radar Technology.
Brazilian Land Reform Projects: Diagnostics & Solutions in Rural Cadaster, Land Regulation & Land Reform Projects of the National Institute for Colonization & Land Reform - INCRA - BRAZIL, for the Interamerican Institute for Cooperation in Agriculture - IICA and World Bank. Universe of 3,740 Land Reform Projects.
Introducing IKONOS High Resolution Imagery in different Vertical Markets in Brazil - Space Imaging Manager Brazil.
Pioneering Ikonos High Resolution Satellite Imagery for GLOBO TV Network Media in Brazil.
Localization into Portuguese of the Innovative Remote View (Electronic Light Table) software from Sensor Systems / OVERWATCH.
Applying Advanced Remote Sensing Techniques for Territorial Management of Counties for the State of São Paulo County Association APM - Brazil.
Innovative Land Survey - Geocadaster - in Northeast Brazil.
Introducing Advanced Remote Sensing Techniques using High Resolution Satellite Imagery for operational use in Transportation Projects of the Brazilian Military Institute (IME) & DNIT.
INTELIGEO - Advanced Remote Sensing for Operational Territorial Management & Monitoring, Territorial Reference & Crop Forecasting.
Advanced Remote Sensing Techniques for Operational Early Crop Disease (pre visual detection) in Brazilian Citrus Orchards for SYNGENTA.
Remote Sensing Geocadaster & Land Use Mapping for the Agribusiness Chain - Linking Rural Production to Supermarkets, Industrial Restaurants, Fast Food Chains and other vertical markets in the greater São Paulo Metropolitan Area - Brazil.
Development of Territorial Reference and Management System (GIS) - Water & Sanitation, for SANASA, Campinas - Brazil.
Sustainable Territorial Management - International Course in Remote Sensing and GIS Systems - CRECTEALC / United Nations - Brazil.
Mapping of 23 cities of Paraguay in the Program to Support the Strategic Planning and Institutional Development of the Pluvial Drainage Sector in Paraguay through NIPPON KOEI / NKLAC for the Ministry of Public Works and Transportation (MOPC); An Interamerican Development Bank (IDB) Project.
Integral Water Resources Management Plan of the Bogota River Basin - Colombia, through INAR Asociados / NIPPON KOEI & NKLAC for Corporacion Autonoma Regional (CAR) - Bogota - Colombia; A World Bank Project.
Generation of 3D Topography over 67,600 ha through LiDAR Full Wave Technology and Digital Orthophotos with densification of the Geodetic Network of the Pilcomayo River from Pozo Hondo to General Dias - Paraguay.