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Besides open to Consulting, Mentoring, Partnerships and Business Development, I am focused in Project Design & Management for the creation and implementation of Humanitarian Projects & Programs. 


Here we present a first insight of the scope of such Programs.​​​​​​​​

Based on Paraguay's Humanitarian Program ( or, an effort in Replication of the Program to other Countries & Regions was undertaken that resulted in the overall chart of 37 countries: 9 in South America, 8 in Central America & the Caribbean and the 20 poorest countries in Africa. And others and other regions can be included.


The Countries & Regions chosen focus on areas with the extreme poor & poor population. In case of Africa THE WHOLE of the countries selected is the focus.


There are countries that are still not accesible due to political issues, and its difficult, if not impossible, to cross their borders and start activities locally. But new times are arriving and soon it will be possible; and in the mean time there are mapping & planning activities that can be carried out.


All this initiative is a very tough purpose, but feasible! All these regions do suffer under the same necessities in different grades.


Throughout my life, people have often come up to me and said that what I'm trying to do is impossible, dangerous, not recommended, and so on! This has been the case with pioneering projects such as the Amazon Deforestation Survey, the High Resolution Satellites, the Rural GeoCadastre and many other subjects that were considered impossible or because you didn't have the knowledge or the will! And I was able to do it ! Of course, teamwork is one of the keys to success. So is resilience.

It's no different here, and this whole initiative is considered by many to be a utopia, an illusion, a daydream. That doesn't really bother me. It's a matter of principle and purpose. We are still a small group of people trying to change the reality of millions of people for a more dignified life. The history of the world proves that a small group of people has always been responsible for big changes. Both positive and negative. And our focus is on the positive. It´s not about ego, but purpose and moral obligation.


Countries that are considered in the Programs:


It is our conviction that Food Security is the most urgent issue, and represents the backbone of the Humanitarian Programs. Availability of nutritious food in sufficient quantity on the table of the needy is urgent, it can no longer be postponed.


Actions in these countries will be carried out with the active participation and management of local partners.


​​​Next we highlight the importance of the following concepts: the figure downunder represents, in my belief, one of the most valuable lessons about the importance and consequences of Territorial Management and its positive (or failing that, negative) impact on people's daily lives. I built this screen from the Cycle of Loss and Waste. And to generate positive impacts on society, it presupposes honest and transparent attitudes. I was able to test, prove and validate the assertive functionality of Territorial Management (Territorial Reference and its Dynamics), and its environmental, social, economic and administrative benefits. in different themes, geographies and cultures.

Mapping 1.jpg

Basic plan altimetric updated mapping in different scales up to 1:1,000

Main Issues to be addressed

  • Plan Altimetric Mapping - with 5-10 cm laser altimetry (LiDAR) and <50cm resolution ortho imagery;

  • Land Use Classification and Watershed Determination (up to 3rd order) - Land Use Planning of all Municipalities / Districts, Master Plan, Development, through AFE techniques;

  • Mapping necessities of the Infrastructure Projects;

  • Creation/Assembly of a Multifinality Cadastre of the beneficiaries of the PROGRAM;

  • Annual Territorial Monitoring of the necessary areas;

  • Installation of the Territorial and Construction Management Center - CGTEC;

  • Aerial Combat of Forest Fires, Prevent & Combat Deforestation especially in Tropical Forests, Humanitarian Aerial Operations during Floods or when necessary.

Through Territorial Reference and Monitoring the Region (in all levels of Public and Private Governance) will be favored in assessing Assertive Planning Strategies. Breaking Paradigms to Foster Development with Validated Management Strategies.

Together with leading partners that operate worldwide, we offer the possibility of Design & Management of Integrated Projects that include Project Management Office (PMO), PMP certified Professionals, Engineering, Procurement & Construction (EPC), Governance, Risk & Compliance (GRC), Legal Advisory, Innovative Technologies & Management, for differente cultures and geographies.


Our main areas of action and solutions are briefly described down under. 


Current times are demanding innovative, multidisciplinary, integrated, self-sustainable projects. To decide better, reduce losses, among others. For that, professionals with versatile profiles, not only in Engineering, but also in the management of teams and of proven professional and management experience, are imperative. This is our DNA and focus!.


Through our Multidisciplinary Experience and Networking, we assign and integrate teams of internationally renowned specialists and partner companies, innovating with validated technologies and experiences, versatility, to offer the best tailor-made design solutions. Solutions at least the size of the problems to be addressed. Efficient and effective teamwork is our “modus operandi”. The main areas of action are:​



The Humanitarian Program has a generic format and is a living and dynamic document that addresses themes that must be present and operative in any geography and culture, respecting possible cultural particularities. Other themes may be included, as is the case of Education. A basic structure is presented here that can be modified and adapted according to local needs and particularities.


It is also important to mention that the Program is based on free initiative encouraging and focusing on local structures (municipalities, districts, watersheds, etc.) generating economic and social activities and real and necessary benefits for millions of people. Starting from the Natural Laws (Principles and Truth) in Love, Knowledge, Integrity/Honesty, Transparency, Sovereignty, Freedom, which finally allow the manifestation of Order and Progress. This is the backbone that guarantees the success of the Program's application. The positive cycle of the Expression of Natural Laws.


Most countries and regions continue to have problems of lack of adequate infrastructure for development, progress and prosperity. For the most part, these are STATE problems that governments have been unable, or not wanting, to solve.


The time has come to recover these areas, regions or countries by installing the necessary infrastructures and development, promoting local businesses, cooperatives, etc. The INOVOH Humanitarian Program of Infrastructure Projects is an initiative that comes to correct and recover the course of these Regions, providing real solutions, and putting them in their just and deserved place, for millions of beneficiaries.


An innovative PROGRAM based on Projects and a tailor-made Management Model with internationally validated technologies, with local partnerships, and structured to provide the necessary SOLUTIONS.




  • Territorial Management / Monitoring - Advanced Remote Sensing Techniques for Territorial References (Cartography from 1: 125,000 to the scale of 1: 500) in Environment, Agriculture, Infrastructure & Logistics (highlighting 3D Topography by LiDAR), and Urban / Rural Development; Geographic Knowledge Systems; this is the correct and necessary basis for Infrastructure Projects and monitoring of urban and rural territorial dynamics; Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Geographic Knowledge Systems (GKS); Aerial Combat of Forest Fires, Airborne Humanitarian Operations, Disaster Assessment;




  • Constructive Management  / Sustainable Communities - Social Urbanism, Complete Community Concept, Construction Methods, Fixing of Precarious Housing Infrastructure, Alternative Energy, Waste and Waste Recycling, Local Agriculture / Animal Protein / Fish Farming, Education and Local Economic Development; 




  • Agriculture and Food Security - Agribusiness Chain (Agricultural and Agrarian), Agroindustry, Agricultural Corridors, Production Systems; reducing/eliminating loss and wastes in the chain; provide for enough nutritius food especially to the Extreme Poor and Children;




  • Sanitation and Environmnet - Artesian Wells, Drainage Systems including Flood Control, Effluent /Sewage Treatment Stations (ETEs) and Water Reuse, Garbage and Waste Recycling;




  • Health and Well-being - Nutrition and Preventive Care, Social Medicine and Community Health, Emergency and Urgency Health Centers, ICU Ambulance Networks, Regional Hospitals, University - Hospitals;




  • Clean Energies - Hydroelectric, Photovoltaic, Eolic energies as well as Hydrogen, Biogas, Geothermal, Biomass, Biodiesel, Ethanol, Solid Wastes and Innovative Electromagnetic Sources.




  • Infrastructure and Logistics - Highways, Roads, Side Roads, Bridges, Ports, Airports, Trains, Urban Mobility, River Dredging.​





  • Historically, municipality is the real legal unit (pieces of a puzzle) that make up a country;

  • People live their daily lives in their municipalities, in their neighborhoods, and that's where their lives unfold, and that's where their focus, their attention and interest lies;

  • Program installs County Office and provides for necessary CAPEX and Initial OPEX to implement necessary infrastructures;

  • Preference for local workers and companies; generation of jobs;

  • Simultaneous installation of Infrastructure Projects through a PMI / PMO Management Model;


  • Towards ERADICATION OF EXTREME POVERTY! This ACTION is the real backbone of any serious humanitarian Program;

  • CARE requires the direct contribution of the other subjects in an integrated action – Multidimensional Solution for Multidimensional Poverty;

  • Especially those in Extreme Poverty will receive all the help they need to get out of this condition and will have a job and training to support themselves; desire and will to work is a must;

  • By Eradicating Extreme Poverty & Installing the Missing Infrastructures, leverage the whole County Economy, the Region and eventually the Country.​

THE REPUBLIC OF PARAGUAY - the first Projects structured by UWC Consulting for Paraguay, starting in 2014/15  under the JAHUPI PARAGUAY PROGRAM consider all these topics and benefit the entire country. A first look at this Program can be found at or  that includes some Projects from other Project Designers. Strategy is that Projects happen at a Local County, State or River Basin level, focusing always local development. The estimated budget for the Program in Paraguay is of US$ 140,239,203,299.

ParaguayRide Panel Projects Cerro Corá.png
EN ParaguayRise SCOPE OF NECESSITIES_page-0001.jpg


The Projects of the Integrated Program under the design of Ulf Walter Palme, are organized according to the following structure, called PROJECT PLAN:


  • Description of the Project;

  • Project Area, Justification and Problems to Address;

  • Market & Marketing Plan;

  • The Project (Services / Products / Structure);

  • The Management Team, Technologies and Partners;

  • Relationship / Linkage with Public Policies;

  • Characteristics of the Sector and Involved Parties;

  • Cross-cutting Issues;

  • Projections;

  • Replica of the Project;

  • Risks, Problems and Assumptions;

  • Programming, Monitoring and Auditing of the Project;

  • Finance;

  • Financial Sustainability;

  • Conclusions.


The PROJECT PLAN represents a more accurate level of detail than an Executive Summary, still not as complete as that of the Executive Project, which is carried out once the financial resources are available and the PROGRAM starts. Still, extensive and intense work was carried out, choosing technologies and methodologies that generate clear benefits for the entire population and that are faster, of high quality and, for the most part, present lower costs.


It is a wide-ranging PROGRAM that generates solutions to issues that the Country urgently needs to solve! Issues related to the STATE.


There are Gigabytes of spreadsheets, texts, GANTT Disbursement Charts and detailed presentation materials and illustrations about the strategies, methodologies and innovative technologies that are in the Projects that are not presented in this document, nor are they on the PROGRAM website. They are proprietary data and information since the PROGRAM uses innovative technology for various topics and there is the validated knowledge and expertise of Project Management, HOW to carry out and achieve the objectives.




Overall Synthesis of Necessities


Overall Synthesis of Actions

Burundi to do.png

Overall Synthesis Budget

Burundi budget.png


Overall Synthesis of Necessities


Overall Synthesis of Actions


Overall Synthesis Budget

Budget Maranhão.png


Overall Synthesis of Necessities


Overall Synthesis of Actions


Overall Synthesis Budget

el salvador budget.png


Overall Synthesis Preliminary Budget

Rio Grande do Sul Budget.png

Preliminary estimation carried out at the the level of the 497 counties and 35 Microregions grouped to 7 Mesoregions. 


The State of Rio Grande do Sul, with a population of close to 11 million inhabitants and area of roughly 279,000 km2 is tipically the size of many countries. A rural and industrial State, with a predominance of european immigration.  The fourth GDP in Brazil with around US $ 120 billion before the tragedy. Nowadays, thousands of medium class families suddenly (in matter of days) became extreme poor! No insurance available. Neighborhoods simply disappeared, as factories, hospitals, schools, crops, roads, bridges, airports, infrastructure...and people!!!


As already mentioned, although there are plenty of videos and media in the internet about the tragedy, that can be accessed through internet, there is until now no comprehensive infograph on the figures of the tragedy. In our conviction the numbers simply do not add up! We are considering actions in short, medium and large terms over a period of 10 years in order to reconstruct the State. We are already working with local groups of professionals and commited inhabitants.


Also, an initial RANKING of the damages in each county was performed, that is presented next.

Ranking according to severity of damages

most damaged

ranking RS.png

The next example is a Table of some selected areas in 7 South American countries as Pilot Projects. 

IN Tabla Sintesis Programa Humanitario AL.jpg
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